In this case we will start with Github Pages and we will use Jekyll to create a blog.

Story behind my blog: I was thinking in create one custom blog with some Framework, pay the server, but if you think, that is too much just to build a simple blog later I choose Jekyll, that is awesome tool.

Some point before start:

  • We need Ruby 2.1 or higher
  • Please install Ruby or type: ruby -v if you have Ruby installed
  • Verify if you have Ruby Gem “Is like a dependency manager like pip, npm etc.” type: gem -v

Now we are ready to start with Jekyll

  1. gem install jekyll bundler
  2. type: jekyll -v to verify your Jekyll version

Creation and upload

  1. Create a repo with your username of github in this case:
  2. Type: jekyll new yourprojectname
  3. Run your Jekyll project with: bundle exec jekyll serve
  4. Clone the repo and paste your content in the repo or add git remote (That is out of the purpose of this guide)

Just push your code and done

Now you’re ready to start blogging